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admin-console generate-manifests

Running this command will create a directory on the workstation containing the Replicated admin console manifests. These assets can be used to deploy KOTS to a cluster through other workflows, such as kubectl, to provide additional customization of the admin console before deploying.


generate-manifests does not support generating manifests for Red Hat OpenShift clusters or GKE Autopilot clusters if executed without a Kubernetes cluster context.

To upgrade a KOTS instance that has ever been on version 1.72.0 or earlier, you must run generate-manifests with a Kubernetes cluster context.


kubectl kots admin-console generate-manifests [flags]

This command supports the following flags:

--rootdirstringRoot directory where the YAML will be written (default ${HOME} or %USERPROFILE%)
--namespacestringTarget namespace for the admin console
--shared-passwordstringShared password to use when deploying the admin console
--http-proxystringSets HTTP_PROXY environment variable in all KOTS admin console components
--https-proxystringSets HTTPS_PROXY environment variable in all KOTS admin console components
--kotsadm-namespacestringSet to override the namespace of kotsadm images. Used for air gapped installations. For more information, see Air Gap Installation in Existing Clusters.
--kotsadm-registrystringSet to override the registry of kotsadm images. Used for air gapped installations. For more information, see Air Gap Installation in Existing Clusters.
--no-proxystringSets NO_PROXY environment variable in all KOTS admin console components
--registry-passwordstringPassword to use to authenticate with the application registry. Used for air gapped installations. For more information, see Air Gap Installation in Existing Clusters.
--registry-usernamestringUsername to use to authenticate with the application registry. Used for air gapped installations. For more information, see Air Gap Installation in Existing Clusters.
--with-minioboolSet to true to include a local minio instance to be used for storage (default true)
--minimal-rbacboolSet to true to use the namespaced role and bindings instead of cluster-level permissions (default false)
--additional-namespacesstringComma delimited list to specify additional namespace(s) managed by KOTS outside where it is to be deployed. Ignored without with --minimal-rbac=true


kubectl kots admin-console generate-manifests
kubectl kots admin-console generate-manifests --rootdir ./manifests
kubectl kots admin-console generate-manifests --namespace kotsadm --minimal-rbac=true --additional-namespaces="app1,app3"