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Introduction and Setup

This topic provides a summary of the goals and outcomes for the tutorial and also lists the prerequisites to set up your environment before you begin.


This tutorial introduces you to mapping user-supplied values from the Replicated KOTS admin console configuration page to a Helm chart values.yaml file.

In this tutorial, you use a sample Helm chart to learn how to:

  • Define a user-facing application configuration page in the KOTS admin console
  • Set Helm chart values with the user-supplied values from the admin console configuration page

Set Up the Environment

Before you begin, ensure that you have kubectl access to a Kubernetes cluster. You can use any cloud provider or tool that you prefer to create a cluster, such as the Replicated compatibility matrix, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), or minikube.

Next Step

Get the sample Bitnami Helm chart and test installation with the Helm CLI. See Step 1: Get the Sample Chart and Test